Infant Class
Our baby unit has child sized furniture and shelving to encourage even the very young to be inquisitive and independent. Mobility is encouraged with the use of push-n-ride toys, which enables the crawlers to pull themselves up into a standing position. Floor games, exercises, crawling etc., are encouraged and co-ordination is promoted through the use of bright, colourful and non-harmful toys and equipment.
Music and movement are actively participated in throughout the day with the use of audio sound equipment and musical instruments.
Our younger babies are motivated by the use of activity mats and multi-gyms together with their own recliner chairs and soft play toys.
The Crèche is divided into two classrooms:
- Babies (0 to 12months)
- Toddlers (12 to 36 months)
In the Baby and toddler classes, A programme for the whole child – one that uses knowledge from the disciplines of education, health, social work, psychology, and psychiatry, to provide an experience suitable to the age of the child and to his individual needs.
The sleep room is peaceful and tranquil in both decor and music. Although the lights are dimmed, comfort is gained by our little people from the soft glows. With the aid of classical music, the babies are encouraged to rest at intervals throughout the day.
Physical health is also important in our crèche. We ensure that high standards of hygiene are always maintained in preparations and serving of meal. Our meal plans are nourishing, tasty and contain a well-balanced diet that will support child growth
Toddlers Class
– We have programs that helps kids develop mentally, with routines that encourages and engages their curiousity. We teach simple rhymes, songs, numbers and alphabets helps to develop the memory of children and aids their language learning ability.
– Our Puzzles and games helps them to learn shapes and colours
– We give proper attention, affection, order and discipline which are critical to the emotional development of children. It’s important that kids under our care learn good manners and are able to interact well with their peers.